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Journal tab

The journal tab in MetaTrader is a vital tool for traders, providing a detailed record of all activities and events that occur within the platform. It serves as a logbook, capturing essential information such as trade executions, system alerts, errors, and other platform-related activities.

Accessing the journal tab

  1. Launch MetaTrader 4 platform on your VPS.
  2. Navigate to the bottom of the screen where you'll find a set of tabs. Click on the journal tab to open it. (See I can't see the journal tab if you do not see the option)

Journal tab

How to read the journal tab

Once you've accessed the journal tab, you'll find a chronological list of events, including:

  • Trade executions: Details of each trade, including entry and exit points, lot size, profit or loss, and timestamps.
  • System alerts: Notifications about system updates, connection status changes, and other platform-related events.
  • Errors and warnings: Messages indicating any technical errors, such as failed orders or connectivity issues.

By regularly reviewing the journal tab, traders can gain valuable insights into their trading activities, improve decision-making, and ensure a smooth trading experience on the MetaTrader platform.

I can't see the journal tab

If you do not see the "Terminal" window at the bottom of the MetaTrader platform, do the following:

  1. Click on "View" and make sure "Terminal" is selected

Terminal view option